Extracting cloudiness from Sentinel-2 data
Extraction of cloudiness from Sentinel-2 data
This step is optionnal if you are extracting data using Planetary, or don't wish to filter acquisitions on cloudiness. In this step, the percentage of pixels in the mask provided by the Sentinel-2 data provider is extracted for each acquisition. The results are exported in a csv file For THEIA, all pixels different to 0 in the CLM mask are considered cloudy For Scihub and PEPS, all pixels different to 4 or 5 in the SCL mask are considered cloudy
- sentinel_dir (str) : Path of the directory containing Sentinel-2 data.
- export_path (str) : Path to write csv file with extracted cloudiness.
- tile_selection (list) : List of tiles from which to extract reflectance (ex : ["T31UFQ", "T31UGQ"]). If None, all tiles are extracted.
- sentinel_source (str) : 'THEIA', 'Scihub' or 'PEPS' depending on the Sentinel-2 data provider.
The results are exported in a csv file, with the columns :
- area_name : the name of the Sentinel-2 tile
- Date : the date of the Sentinel-2 acquisition
- cloudiness : the percentage of cloudy pixels
Running this step
Using a script
from fordead.validation.extract_cloudiness import extract_cloudiness
sentinel_dir = <sentinel_dir>,
export_path = <export_path>,
tile_selection = <tile_selection>,
sentinel_source = <sentinel_source>)
From the command invite
This step can also be ran from the command prompt.
fordead extract_cloudiness [OPTIONS]
See detailed documentation for the command line prompt here