Extraction of reflectance from Sentinel-2 data
The vector file created in the previous step is used to extract reflectance from Sentinel-2 data.
Using local Sentinel-2 data
Add the following instructions to your script to extract reflectance corresponding to datapoints saved in preprocessed_obs_path from Sentinel-2 time series. In this example, we choose to extract only data from acquisitions with a cloud cover under 30%, so we need to compute and extract cloud cover from the THEIA mask first, before extracting reflectance from relevant acquisitions.
from fordead.validation.extract_reflectance import extract_reflectance
from fordead.validation.extract_cloudiness import extract_cloudiness
cloudiness_path = output_dir / "extracted_cloudiness.csv"
reflectance_path = output_dir / "extracted_reflectance.csv"
sentinel_dir = sentinel_dir,
export_path = extracted_cloudiness_path,
sentinel_source = "THEIA")
obs_path = preprocessed_obs_path,
sentinel_source = sentinel_dir,
cloudiness_path = cloudiness_path,
lim_perc_cloud = 0.3,
export_path = reflectance_path,
name_column = "id")
See complete user guides here and here
Using Planetary Computer
Add the following instructions to your script to extract reflectance corresponding to datapoints saved in preprocessed_obs_path from Sentinel-2 time series. In this example, we choose to extract only data from acquisitions with a cloud cover under 50%.
from fordead.validation.extract_reflectance import extract_reflectance
reflectance_path = output_dir / "extracted_reflectance.csv"
obs_path = preprocessed_obs_path,
sentinel_source = "Planetary",
lim_perc_cloud = 0.3,
export_path = reflectance_path,
name_column = "id")
See complete user guide here
The csv written in export_path includes the following attributes corresponding to the different pixels :
- epsg:
- area_name: Sentinel-2 tile ID when available
- id:
- id_pixel:
- Date: date of acquisition
- B2-B11: reflectance extracted from Sentinel-2 data for the corresponding pixel [sort by increasing wavelength: B2-B11, not B11-B8A]
- Mask : SCL value for Planetary, CLM value for THEIA
The file will not be overwritten if the process is re-run with the same data. New Sentinel-2 acquisitions or ground observations will be appended to the file if added to the input data.
The update procedure can be tested with additional Sentinel-2 data located in