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Creating graphs

Using built-in visualisation tools to explore detection results

The second built-in visualisation tool allows to visualize the time series of the vegetation index with the associated model, the anomaly detection threshold and the associated detections, for a given pixel.

Creating graphs of time series evolution at pixel level

This tool creates figures including :

  • the vegetation index value for each SENTINEL-2 acquisition
  • the corresponding harmonic model
  • the threshold used for anomaly detection
  • the period used for training.

This allows illustration of the dynamic related to anomaly detection for pixels of interest. The following illustration displays time series for a healthy pixel, and for a pixel experiencing bark beetle outbreak :

Healthy pixel Attacked pixel
graph_healthy graph_dieback

This process can be performed using a shapefile containing points if parameters shape_path and name_column are used, or with parameters x and y to plot a single pixel chosen from coordinates in the SENTINEL-2 data CRS. If none of those parameters are used, the program will prompt the user in a loop to enter coordinates.

In this example, we used a shapefile provided in the fordead_data repository.

Comprehensive documentation can be found here.

Running this step using a script

Run the following instructions to perform this processing step:

from fordead.visualisation.vi_series_visualisation import vi_series_visualisation

vi_series_visualisation(data_directory = data_directory, 
                        shape_path = "<MyWorkingDirectory>/vector/points_for_graphs.shp", 
                        name_column = "id", 
                        ymin = 0, 
                        ymax = 2, 
                        chunks = 1280)
Running this step from the command prompt

This processing step can also be performed from a terminal:

fordead graph_series  -o <output directory> --shape_path <MyWorkingDirectory>/vector/points_for_graphs.shp --name_column id --ymin 0 --ymax 2 --chunks 1280

The plots are saved as .png files in data_directory/TimeSeries. One file is stored for each point with the value in the column name_column as file name. The y axis limits are set using ymin and ymax parameters.

NOTE : The chunks parameter is not necessary in this case, since the process is applied on limited surfaces. However, it is needed to reduce computation time in large datasets.